to the schedule of readings and assignments
required texts: Sillitoe, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner; Crutcher, Chinese Handcuffs; Shrake, Billy Boy; Brown, Sudden Death; Blum, Breaking Trail; Cox, Swimming to Antarctica; DeLillo, End Zone; Everett, Suder; Hillenbrand, Seabiscuit; Colton, Counting Coup; plus one more: each individual student will read a different book for this extra reading
syllabus: This syllabus may be updated as the semester goes on. I may post updated versions that indicate readings, discussion plans, and reference materials. However, every component of your grade is shown here at the beginning. If you've got a paper copy in your hand right now, please refer to the date and time of printing (at the bottom of each page) to see when the version you are holding was printed. For continuous updates look on line at
course description: This is a course in sport literature (mainly prose fiction) and in the nonfiction rhetoric of sport.
course objectives: Students who successfully complete this course will know something about contemporary sport literature.
attendance is mandatory, with credit given for each class meeting attended.
assignments: daily quizzes; 6 short papers; class presentation; term paper. Quizzes and the "preconceptions" paper may not be made up. Other papers will lose one possible point for each calendar day they are late. No final exam.
grading: Grading is on a point system, as follows:
300 points are thus possible for the entire semester. Your final grade will be based on the standard percentage ranges. 270-300 points is an A; 240-269 points is a B; 210-239 points is a C; 180-209 points is a D; 179 or less is an F.
academic dishonesty policy: It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University. "Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts." [Regents' Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter Vi, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22]
disability policy: The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 93112--The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act - (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens. As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodation" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels.
library: Noel Anderson is the Librarian for the English Department. He can be reached at 817 272 3000, ext. 4984, and by email at
writing center: located on the fourth floor of the Central Library, and at, the Writing Center provides free tutoring for UTA students. Tutors will not write your papers for you, but will help you understand and use strategies for effective writing.
schedule of assignments and readings
Tues 15 Jan: syllabus, introductions
Thurs 17 Jan: preconceptions paper due; class discussion. For today, write a five-page maximum paper on your previous experience with sport, sport literature and other kinds of sport texts and representations, fandom, or other sport-related issues. What is your personal involvement with representations of sport?
Tues 22 Jan: lecture meeting
Thurs 24 Jan: Sillitoe, "Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner." Daily quizzes begin. Attendance taken from now on.
Tues 29 Jan: Crutcher, Chinese Handcuffs
Thurs 31 Jan: Crutcher, Chinese Handcuffs; second short paper due
Tues 5 Feb: Shrake, Billy Boy
Thurs 7 Feb: Shrake, Billy Boy
Tues 12 Feb: Brown, Sudden Death
Thurs 14 Feb: Brown, Sudden Death; third short paper due
Tues 19 Feb: Blum, Breaking Trail
Thurs 21 Feb: WALK. Note that following activities through 8 April are moved one meeting forward. Class will meet on 8 April.
Tues 26 Feb: Blum, Breaking Trail
Thurs 28 Feb: Cox, Swimming to Antarctica
Tues 4 March: Cox, Swimming to Antarctica; fourth short paper due
Thurs 6 March: DeLillo, End Zone (Part One)
Tues 11 March: DeLillo, End Zone (Parts Two & Three)
Thurs 13 March: Everett, Suder
Tues 25 March: Everett, Suder; fifth short paper due
Thurs 27 March: Hillenbrand, Seabiscuit
Tues 1 April: Hillenbrand, Seabiscuit
Thurs 3 April: Colton, Counting Coup
Tues 8 April: Colton, Counting Coup; sixth short paper due. Last quiz.
Thurs 10 April: WALK.
Tues 15 April: presentations: Lindsay Horne, Maria Smith, Shanna Steed, Emily Williams
Thurs 17 April: presentations: Amber Hill, Karen Luong, Rachel Okafor, Danielle Schauer, Gerrell Williams
Tues 22 April: presentations: Rick Barger, Brad Cantu, Randy DeArmond, Gayle Henry, Justin Rains
Thurs 24 April: presentations: Chris Hoskins, Travis Irish, Russell Kliebert, Jeff Whitehead
Tues 29 April: walk
Thurs 1 May: course evaluations; term papers due